Pre and Post Natal Fitness

Qualified by Burrell Education as an Advanced Post Natal Wellness Practitioner, where I was by taught by midwives, women’s health physiotherapists and pelvic floor specialists. Special focus on learning how to breath through exercise and movement, and teaching you how your breath is connected to your pelvic floor. Exercises will mimic the daily movement pattern of a mum. Low impact sessions tailored around your unique needs and abilities postpartum. Over the course of sessions we will gradually rebuild your connection to your core, address postural changes, then introduce strengthening exercises to repair diastasis recti and strengthen the pelvic floor.

Child friendly and accepting environment to remove the barrier of childcare, that can hold us back from returning to exercise. I am here to support you throughout pregnancy, and help you own your body after birth. Offering 1-2-1 sessions as well as small group boot camps, a great way to meet other like minded mothers.

Christie Manning